Contributing Guidelines
Welcome to the Saleor community! Your contributions help make Saleor better for everyone.
In this document, you will find general guidelines and processes for contributing to Saleor that apply to all repositories.
You can contribute through bug reports, feature requests, documentation, community support, and code changes.
Join us on Discord to connect with contributors and maintainers.
Contributing Issues​
One of the most important ways to contribute to Saleor is by reporting bugs and suggesting new features.
Below are general rules and processes for creating issues in Saleor repositories.
Bug Reports​
- Search the issue tracker (e.g. saleor/saleor) to see if the bug has already been reported.
- If you can't find an existing issue, follow the instructions in the issue template to create a new bug report.
Feature Requests​
Each feature request goes through three stages:
Discord Discussion → Feature Request Issue → Pull Request
Discord Discussion​
The first phase of the feature request process is creating a thread in our Discord's server #ideas channel.
The goal is to describe the problem you are trying to solve and get feedback from the community and Saleor's maintainers. During this stage, we avoid discussing technical details and focus on the use case instead.
Once the feature request is approved by Saleor's maintainers, you will be asked to create a new Feature Request issue in the corresponding repository.
Feature Request Issue​
Please follow the "feature request" issue template in the corresponding repository and reference the Discord thread in the issue description.
In this phase, you can suggest a technical implementation of the feature. Saleor's maintainers will review the proposed implementation and provide feedback.
Once the feature request is approved by the Saleor's maintainers, it will be labeled with the accepted
tag, hence making it eligible for a Pull Request.
Pull Request​
Once the feature request is approved, you can create a new Pull Request in the corresponding repository and reference the Feature Request issue in the PR description.
Feature Requests without prior discussion on Discord and a GitHub issue will not be considered.
Contributing Code​
All code contributions need discussion and approval through a GitHub issue first. See Contributing Issues.
The best way to get started is by checking out the "Good First Issues" and "Help Wanted" issues in the repository you want to contribute to.
Each repository may have different guidelines for contributing code. Please refer to the repository's
file for more information.
Here is an example one for Saleor's core repository.
Good First Issues vs. Help Wanted​
"Good First Issues" are issues that are suitable for beginners to contribute to. They are typically well-defined and don't require a deep understanding of the codebase.
"Help Wanted" issues can be more extensive and require a deeper understanding of the codebase and are suitable for more experienced contributors.
Contributing Documentation​
If you want to update existing documentation by fixing typos or adding missing information, you can do so by creating a new Pull Request in the saleor/docs repository.
If you want to add new documentation, please create an issue in the saleor/docs repository first and follow the instructions in the issue template.