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Shipping and Billing

Customer Address Saving Strategies​


This feature was introduced in Saleor 3.21.

Address updates allow configuring the address-saving strategy for both shipping and billing addresses. This setting determines whether the shipping or billing address should be saved in the customer's address book. This setting takes effect only when a draft order is completed for an existing user. If no user is assigned, the setting is ignored.

By default, both billing and shipping addresses are not saved in the customer's address book.

Use cases:​

  • Draft order management: Allows staff user to explicitly decide whether to save newly entered addresses to the customer account.

Applicable Order Mutations​

The default behavior can be adjusted in the following order mutations:

mutation DraftOrderCreate(
$input: DraftOrderCreateInput!
) {
input: $input
) {
order {

example input data:

"input": {
"user": "VXNlcjoxNDM2",
"lines": [{ "quantity": 1, "variantId": "UHJvZHVjdFZhcmlhbnQ6Mjk3" }],
"saveBillingAddress": true,
"billingAddress": {
"firstName": "John"
"lastName": "Doe"
"streetAddress1": "1470 Pinewood Avenue"
"city": "Michigan"
"postalCode": "49855"
"country": "US"
"countryArea": "MI"
"saveShippingAddress": false,
"shippingAddress": {
"firstName": "John"
"lastName": "Doe"
"streetAddress1": "1470 Pinewood Avenue"
"city": "Michigan"
"postalCode": "49855"
"country": "US"
"countryArea": "MI"
"channelId": "Q2hhbm5lbDoyMjQ0",
Expand â–¼
mutation DraftOrderUpdate(
$id: ID!,
$input: DraftOrderInput!,
) {
id: $id,
input: $input
) {
order {

example input data:

"input": {
"shippingAddress": {
"postalCode": "22-356"
"saveShippingAddress": false

Important Notes​

The setting is treated as part of the address and cannot be provided independently in the mutation input. Attempting to set saveShippingAddress or saveBillingAddress without including the corresponding shippingAddress or billingAddress will result in an error.

For example, providing saveShippingAddress in the draftOrderUpdate mutation without including shippingAddress will raise an error:

mutation DraftOrderUpdate(
$id: ID!,
$input: DraftOrderInput!,
) {
id: $id,
input: $input
) {
order {

invalid input data:

"input": {
"externalReference": "ref-XYZ",
"saveShippingAddress": false

Any update to the address, even a partial change, resets the saveAddress flag to its default behavior. To ensure the correct setting is applied, explicitly provide the saveAddress value with each update.